Pentaho is the company behind a suite of open source data analytics tools that provide a comprehensive set of capabilities for business intelligence. Pentaho Business Analytics offers dashboarding, data integration and mining, and ETL services. As you’d expect, Pentaho has been looking at its own data and spotting trends that indicate a very healthy growth of big data analytics into various markets, a growth in large part supported by uptake of the Hadoop platform.
Pentaho believes that there are five major trends driving BI growth.
The Developer Community
As businesses come to realize that significant benefits can accrue from leveraging their data fully, developers are being tasked with developing and deploying appropriate solutions. The availability of platforms like Hadoop and the various NoSQL databases significantly decreases the costs of applying analytics to data. In the case of Pentaho, their tools have been downloaded over 65,000 times in recent months.
New Use Cases
As the trend for big data analytics snowballs, and technological innovation increases the flow of data, users are becoming aware of novel situations in which analytics can be exploited. Businesses of all sizes in digital media, gaming, healthcare, finance, and government are taking advantage of customer behavior analytics, lead conversion analytics, and social marketing analytics, among others.
New Tools
While Hadoop and related tools are extremely powerful, they are also complex and can be difficult to get to grips with for organizations that lack the budget for specialist staff. With the increasing availability of tools to simplify the deployment of analytics software, scripting and integration becomes more efficient. Pentaho’s visual design studio is an example of the direction big data is moving, with claimed 15-fold developer performance gains.
Mobile and Cloud
The trend towards mobile devices and cloud based applications being used both within businesses and for customer facing applications means that the quantity and quality of data available to businesses is increasing at a quickening pace. Professionals in many fields now expect that data analytics will be available to them.
Hadoop’s Value Creation.
As we have discussed recently, open data and open source software help to create value on top of which an ecosystem can develop. This is clearly visible in the case of the rapid development of the Hadoop ecosystem. Software, hardware, and services are developing to capture the value that Hadoop creates. Revenues from the Hadoop ecosystem were $77 million last year, and according to a recent IDC report, will grow 60 percent per year to reach $812 million by 2016.
All of which paints a very rosy picture of the future of big data and analytics.